Je wordt van harte uitgenodigd om mee te doen. Je kunt bij ons of waar je ook bent aansluiten.
Klik voor uitleg over een comfortabele zithouding.
Meer informatie: www.swamiveda.org of www.bindu.org.
Tijd in Nederland: 20.00 – 21.00 uur. Prijs: donatie.
Calculating Your Time. There are only four “1 hour” periods within the 24 hours. We invite you to sit with others at your local time, calculated from the nearest time zone as listed below. The times below are in local time. If your local time is observing a summer/winter switch (called “Daylight Savings Time in the USA, for example), then use that time. Basically, convert the time and time zone below to your local time. A good resource for calculating local times next to another time is timeanddate.com worldclock meeting
Local Timings | |
7 AM |
in India (IST), surrounding countries adjust the time accordingly, for example Iran is 5 AM. |
8 PM |
in East Asia, 8 PM Singapore time. Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand etc. adjust their times to coincide with Singapore time 8 PM. |
8 PM |
in U.K. (London Time).Those in all European, and all African time zones, please adjust your sitting time to coincide with 8 PM United Kingdom. |
10 PM |
in New York. Surrounding countries and regions of South, Central and North America and the Caribbean to match their time to 10 PM New York time. |
Toronto affiliate (Himalayan Yoga Meditation Society of Ontario) meets at 9:00 pm
Standard World Time Zones
(click for larger image)

How is the full moon calculated?
The dates of the Full Moon Meditations are announced after our Ashram Pandits have worked out the exact hours and minutes of the full moon each month. The hours of the full moon span two calendar days in western time. By Swami Veda’s request, the date with the most full moon hours is chosen for the Full Moon Meditation.
Could you please explain the timetable of Full Moon Meditation
in several parts of the world and how it works? For example, we want to sit together with Swamiji the same time, correct? So, when Swami Veda sits in Rishikesh at 7am this would be 9:30am in Shanghai, 02:30am in London, etc. But the instructions say that China should sit at 8 pm, GMT at 8 pm, New York at 10 pm, and so on.?
Swami Veda Bharati sat more than one time on the full moon meditation day. There are four “1 hour” meditation times within the 24 hour period of the full moon date. So, no, globally we do not all sit at the same time. However, sadhakas within various regions sit at the same time. Even though Swami Veda has left the body, the meditation times will stay the same. Swami Ritavan Bharati now sits at the appointed times just as Swami Veda did.
Original Invitation from Swami Veda
Here is the link to the original “invitation” from Swamiji.
On the Full Moon, the Universal Mind and Love
Swami Veda Bharati was asked the question: “You encourage us to meditate on the full moon day. Through the meditation we are connected. You are in India and we are in Taiwan. What is the mechanism by which this happens?”
To read his answer to this question, please click: On the Full Moon, the Universal Mind and Love
* We recommend the freeware program “Moonphase” at www.tingan.com
(on Windows desktops) as a quick way to see when the full moon is in your area. Please note that occasionally, the announced Vedic date for the full moon meditation will differ from the “Moonphase” program’s dates, due to the need to “balance” the dates around the entire world. The table above gives the actual dates for the full moon meditation.
Guidelines for Full Moon Meditation
“We need to convey the following to all those who participate in the full moon meditation and those who guide such groups.
“In our Tradition mantras are not chosen at random. They are conferred by those who have been initiated and authorised to do so.
“Those who have not received a mantra in the Tradition may use:
1. So Ham
2. The name of their favourite form of the deity.
3. If they do not believe in any of these they may use one of the different ways of counting the breath.
“Please do not pick up just any and every recording of Swami Rama or Swami Veda which has reference to a mantra. The non-initiates may use the recording that guides the meditation according to the above 3 options.”
– Swami Veda Bharati
Sample Meditation
Those who have not learned to meditate before, but would like to join Swami Veda in his Worldwide Meditations may ask for his booklet title “Beginning Meditation” (Please see the beginning meditation article) and a CD of Guided Meditation. Until then, and until you have had the opportunity to take some training in correct ways of sitting and breathing, the simple procedure to follow is:
1. Sit as straight as you can on an even, firm, but cushioned surface.
1. Relax your forehead.
3. Relax your facial and physical musculature.
4. Bring awareness to your breathing.
5. Breathe slowly, gently, smoothly, evenly; without jerk or sound in the breathing.
6. Now feel the touch and flow of the breath in the nostrils.
7. Let there be no pause between the breaths; as one breath is completed, begin to feel the next breath flowing and touching the nostrils.
8. After a few breaths, choose:
a. whichever name of God is your favorite according to your tradition or religion;
b. or a sacred but short phrase or prayer word from your scripture or tradition
c. If you do not believe in a form of divinity, or spiritual incarnation and so forth, exhaling, think Oooonnne (One in a long and drawn out way), inhaling think Twwwoooo (Two) without a break in this count with the breath.
9. Exhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase. Inhaling, mentally remember the word or phrase.
10. Let there be no break between the breaths, nor between the incessant flow of the thoughts of the same phrase.
11. As soon as you become aware that you have lost the flow and other thoughts have begun to arise, re-start the same procedure from the beginning with number 1.
12. Sit for as long as you wish.
13. Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise.
14. If you practice this even for 2-3 minutes at a time many times a day, you will notice subtle changes in yourself for the better.
15. Whatever you do repeatedly with the mind, that will become the mind’s habit; calming the mind repeatedly will return your mind to its calm nature.